BNAPS Activities at CAPEX22 BNAPS - is an international organization (founded 1943) devoted to the collecting and study of the stamps, markings, and postal history of Canada and the pre-confederation colonies of British North America (British Columbia, Canada, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island). BNAPS is a Partner Organization of CAPEX22 and... Continue Reading
Spotlight on Societies: American Philatelic Society
“American Philatelic Society Town Hall” OVERVIEW OF ORGANIZATION: With members in more than 110 countries, the American Philatelic Society (APS) is the largest, non-profit organization for stamp collectors in the world. Founded in 1886 and with its headquarters in a renovated historic match factory in Victorian Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, the APS serves collectors, educators, postal historians,... Continue Reading
Spotlight on Societies: Society of Israel Philatelists (SIP)
The meeting for the Society of Israel Philatelists (SIP) will occur at 10 am on Sunday June 12, 2022. All are welcome. Our speaker will be Ed Kroft QC FRPSC. The topic will be “Politics and Postal Circulars: Lester Pearson’s Role in the 1948 Evolution of Postal Relations Between Canada and the State of Israel”.... Continue Reading
Spotlight on Societies: Gay and Lesbian History on Stamps
This week’s Spotlight on Societies features Gay and Lesbian History on Stamps The objectives of Gay and Lesbian History on Stamps (GLHS) are to promote an interest in the collection, study and dissemination of knowledge of worldwide philatelic material that depicts: Notable men and women and their contributions to society for whom historical evidence exists of homosexual... Continue Reading
Spotlight on Societies: ‘Mi Oficina’
When the COVID-19 stay-at-home mandate, turned an informal group of philatelic friends into something professionally serious Introduced in 2014, ‘Mi Oficina’ is a worldwide group of friends who gather at major philatelic events around the world. A looking forward get-together that complements stamp shows attendance with the enjoyment of magnificent philately, the human touch of... Continue Reading
Spotlight on Societies: American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors
This week's Spotlight on Societies is on the American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors. Continue Reading
Spotlight on Societies: Zeppelin & Airship Collectors
The Zeppelin & Airship Collectors will host a talk and show-and-tell meeting at CAPEX. The meeting is open to everyone. Following announcements, Bob Helms will speak on "U.S. Airships - Canadian Dispatches and Destinations." Following the Q&A after his talk, attendees will introduce themselves. Each is welcome to share an item with its story or... Continue Reading
Spotlight on Societies: Scouts On Stamps Society International (SOSSI)
Scouts On Stamps Society International (SOSSI) is a nonprofit philatelic organization specializing in the collecting, study, and enjoyment of stamps and other postal items celebrating the Boy Scout and Girl Scout/Guide movements. SOSSI just celebrated their 70th year of operation in 2021, and the Maple Leaf Chapter in Canada is celebrating our 60th Anniversary this... Continue Reading
Spotlight on Societies: American Topical Association
The American Topical Association, the world’s largest organization for philatelists who collect topics welcomes visitors interested in exploring the fascinating world of topics on stamps. Topical collecting is the fastest growing segment of philately. Traditional collectors and new enthusiasts are discovering the excitement of stamps related to their interests and experiences, and the American Topical... Continue Reading
Spotlight on Societies: The Société d’histoire postale du Québec (SHPQ)
This is the second of a regular feature with the Spotlight on each Society participating at CAPEX 22. This week, the spot SPOTLIGHT is on The Société d’histoire postale du Québec (SHPQ). Much of Canada’s early postal history occurred in Quebec and surrounding regions. The Société d’histoire postale du Québec (SHPQ) serves to encourage and... Continue Reading