Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation
As Canada’s Philatelic Center, the Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation encourages and promotes research in the fields of philately and postal history. It does this through its five main functions.
- The establishment and maintenance of a comprehensive library for research and study purposes.
- The provision of expertization service for the validation of Canadian philatelic and postal history items.
- To conduct or support lecture programmes or courses of study designed to improve and expand the knowledge of Canadian philatelists and postal historians.
- To encourage, participate and organize philatelic and postal history exhibitions, competitions and displays.
- To underwrite and publish philatelic and postal history research work in various formats.
In addition, the Foundation makes meeting space available for suitable organizations. The Library is open to groups meeting at the offices of the Foundation and at other times by special arrangement.
Harry Sutherland Philatelic Library
The Harry Sutherland Philatelic Library at the Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation supports philately by:
- Providing a comprehensive collection of items relating to British North American and Canadian philately
- Providing an up-to-date collection of items relating to expertizing, frauds and forgeries
- Supporting the needs of the Canadian philatelic community with definitive works on important collecting areas with periodicals and the most recent catalogues
- Affording access to the catalogue online or by in-person visits
- Offering remote assistance to researchers by knowledgeable library team members
CAPEX 22 visitors are invited to visit the Harry Sutherland Philatelic Library, just a short subway ride from the show venue.