Article 1: Purpose
1.1 CAPEX 2022 International One Frame Stamp Championship Exhibition (herein after referred to as “CAPEX 22”) shall be held for the following purposes:
a. To champion the creation of one frame exhibits both as an introduction to exhibiting and as an opportunity for life-long learning through exhibiting.
b. To expand the hobby base through inclusion of communities in related fields of post cards, charity seals and other Cinderellas, ephemera, genealogy, local history, photography, art and other fields of collection.
c. To promote friendly relations and maintain close co-operation amongst the philatelists and stamp collectors throughout the world.
d. To promote philately and stamp collecting at the highest international level.
e. To support multiculturalism through philately
Article 2: Organization, Venue and Date
2.1 CAPEX 22 is an international one frame stamp and philatelic literature exhibition organized by the Canadian Association of Philatelic Exhibitions – Association Canadienne des Expositions Philatéliques (CAPE-ACEP).
2.2 The Exhibition will be held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC), 255 Front Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
2.3 The Exhibition will be held from June 9-12, 2022.
Article 3: Patronage, Recognition, Sponsorship and Applicable Regulations
3.1 CAPEX 22 will be held under the Patronage of the Federación Interamericana de Filatelia (FIAF) and the Recognition of the Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP).
3.2 CAPEX 22 will be hosted by the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada (RPSC), the Canadian member federation of the FIP and FIAF.
3.3 The lead sponsors of CAPEX 22 are Canada Post Corporation (CPC), the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association (CSDA) and the Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation (VGG).
3.4 The following regulations shall be generally applicable to CAPEX 22
a. The General Regulations of FIP for Exhibition (GREX).
b. The General Regulations of FIP for the Evaluation of Competitive Exhibits at FIP Exhibition (GREV).
c. The Special Regulations for the Evaluation of Exhibits at FIP Exhibitions (SREVs).
d. Individual Regulations of CAPEX 22 (IREX).
e. Where these Regulations deviate from GREX, GREV, SREVs, the IREX shall apply.
Documents a, b and c above are available on the FIP website https://www.f-i-p.ch/regulations/
Article 4: Conditions of Participation
4.1 Competitive Exhibits Classes:
Exhibitors from FIP member federations and FIAF member federations shall be eligible to participate at CAPEX 22.
The Regulations governing the conditions for participation at exhibitions are stated in the Articles 9-19 of the GREX.
4.2 Non-Competitive Classes:
Entries in non-competitive classes shall be by special invitation at the discretion of the CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee.
Article 5: Exhibition Classes
5.1 Non-Competitive Exhibits (By Invitation)
5.2 Competitive Exhibits Classes
Class 1: One-Frame Exhibit
Any exhibitor from member federations may submit applications for Class 1, One-Frame exhibits which meet the following criteria:
• Entries awarded at least 75-points (vermeil medal) at national exhibitions since Jan 1, 2015 or which have been exhibited at exhibitions with, FIP, FIAF, FEPA or FIAP patronage, will be eligible
.• Entries awarded at least 75-points (vermeil medal) at national virtual exhibitions since Jan 1, 2020, will be eligible.
Exhibits will be classified under the subclasses and categories listed below.
TR = Traditional Philately
- Canada (National)
- Americas
- Europe
- Asia, Africa and Oceania
PH = Postal History
- Canada (National)
- Americas
- Europe
- Asia, Africa and Oceania
PS = Postal Stationery
AE = Aerophilately
AS = Astrophilately
TH = Thematic
- Nature
- Culture
- Technology
MA = Maximaphily
RE = Revenue
MO = Modern (21st Century in Traditional, Postal History, Postal Stationery or Revenue formats)
PP = Picture Postcard
OP = Open
YO = Youth (Age group A or B or C)
(A=10-15 years old; B=16-18 years old; C=19 years old, as of January 1, 2022)
OT = Other Non-FIP formats (First Day Covers, Charity Seals and other Cinderellas, Illustrated Mail, etc.)
Acceptance of entry into the Modern Philately subclass (MO) at CAPEX 22 will be based on the recommendation of a National Federation official or National Commissioner and at the discretion of the CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee. Acceptance of any entries in the Modern Philately subclass will not preclude acceptances of entries in any other format. All other requirements of the CAPEX 22 IREX will apply.
Please select on the Exhibit Application Form the subclass (TR, PH, or PS, etc.) the exhibit is to be entered in and, if applicable, select the regional or theme category. For the OT exhibits please provide supplemental information on the CANEJ or other national one frame subclass under which the exhibit qualified in the box provided on the entry form.
For youth applications please enter the exhibit format (TR, PH, PS etc.) in the box provided on the entry form.
Class 2: Philatelic Literature
The guidelines and principles for Literature and Electronic Literature at FIP Exhibitions are found on the FIP website: www.f-i-p.ch
A) Printed Philatelic books and research papers
(published on or after January 01, 2017)
B) Digital Philatelic books and research papers
(published on or after January 01, 2017)
C) Printed Philatelic magazines and periodicals
(the whole annual volume issued after January 01, 2020)
D) Digital Philatelic magazines and periodicals
(the whole annual volume issued after January 01, 2020)
E) Printed Catalogues
(published after January 01, 2020)
F) Digital Catalogues
(published after January 01, 2020)
G) Philatelic Websites, Blogs and other such electronic media
All literature exhibitors are required to complete the Philatelic Literature Exhibit Information section of the Exhibit application. This expanded portion of the exhibit application will appear upon the selection of the literature class on the on-line application form.
Article 6: Judging of Exhibits and Awards
6.1 Exhibits in the Competitive Classes will be judged by an appointed jury comprised of experienced philatelic judges. Sixty percent of the jury and 100% of the team leaders will be accredited FIP judges in accordance with the principles laid down in the GREVs and SREVs.
6.2 Awards are presented by points (60 points to 100 points) and awarded by exhibition medals and certificates.
6.3 Certificate of Participation will be given to exhibits attaining less than 60 points.
6.4 CAPEX 22 will award a Grand Prix of the Exhibition (Grand Prix de Toronto) for the Best One-Frame exhibit, a Grand Prix Literature for the Best Print Literature entry and a Grand Prix Literature for the Best Digital entry. Other Grand Prix may be added later by the Organizing Committee.
6.5 For the Grand Prix awards for Competitive Classes, the jury teams shall propose exhibits of merit for consideration for a Grand Prix. The award of a Grand Prix shall be carried out by secret ballot of the full jury. In the event of a tie, the vote of the President of the Jury is decisive.
6.6 Special prizes and Felicitations will be awarded at the discretion of the jury.
Article 7: Frame Size and Allotment of Frames
7.1 The exhibition frames at CAPEX 22 shall be 97cm x 120cm. Each frame shall have a capacity for 16 (four sheets in four rows) album pages, 23cm x 30cm each in size (maximum). Exhibitors may also use double width page(s), 46 cm x 30 cm in size (maximum) or three-square pages (30 cm x 30 cm in size (maximum) within any row. In all cases the exhibitor must provide pages in clear protective mounts closed on both sides and the bottom. Album pages slightly exceeding this size shall be accepted if the pages can be overlapped in the frame, in which case, the CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee shall not be responsible for any loss of, or damage to, the pages. Any other size or configuration must be approved by the Commissioner General in advance.
7.2 All exhibits must be mounted on white or light coloured pages. No exhibit mounted on dark coloured or black pages will be accepted.
7.3 The original copy of an Expertizing Certificate must be placed at the disposal of the Jury by inserting it at the back of the exhibit page. A small letter ‘c’ or ‘e’ is to be denoted at the right bottom corner of the item the letter refers to. Alternatively, certificates can be in the custody of National Commissioners.
7.4 Every exhibit shall be allowed one (1) frame.
Article 8: Application and Acceptance
8.1 Exhibitors shall submit one Exhibit Application Form for each exhibit or literature application through the on-line application form at www.capex22.org. The Organizing Committee will notify the assigned National Commissioners of their respective countries. In cases where no National Commissioner has been assigned, the exhibitor will be notified directly, and the National Federation will be provided the information as a courtesy. Exhibit Application Forms will only be accepted in electronic format. Literature exhibitors must also complete the Philatelic Literature Exhibit Information section of the application form.
8.2 There is no limit to the number of applications that a single exhibitor may submit, however, the CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee, reserves the right to accept or reject entries without specifying the reason.
8.3 Exhibit Application Forms duly filled shall be submitted through the on-line application form not later than November 30, 2021. When submitting the Exhibit Application Form the exhibitor shall attach a copy of the introductory page, in one of the FIP’s official languages. This is not required for literature entries.
8.4 Exhibitors wishing to remain anonymous, must advise the Organizing Committee and furnish a pseudonym (GREX Article 16). Exhibitors’ names (or pseudonyms) will be used on the CAPEX 22 website and social media, in the program, in the Palmares, in press releases after the show, and in connection with the awards. The submitting of an entry is deemed to be an implied declaration of acceptance by the exhibitor to that effect.
8.5 Notification of acceptance or rejection shall be sent to the applicants through their respective National Commissioners or directly if no National Commissioner is appointed not later than January 15, 2022.
8.6 The National Commissioners are to collect the participation fee from the exhibitors (including all surcharges or bank fees), and shall remit to the CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee by February 15, 2022. Fees must be paid by Paypal, bank transfer or Interac. Detailed fee payment instructions will be provided with the exhibit acceptance lists. If a National Commissioner is not appointed the fees can be paid directly by the Exhibitor.
8.7 Each exhibit shall be listed in the exhibition catalogue under its given title as stated in the application form.
Article 9: Participation Fee
9.1 There is no fee for Non-Competitive Class entries.
9.2 The participation fee for One-Frame Exhibit (Class 1) is US$125 per exhibit.
9.3 The participation fee for Philatelic Literature (Class 2) is US$80 per exhibit.
9.4 There is no fee for Youth Class entries.
Article 10: Handling of Exhibits
10.1 In the event an exhibit is delivered late, with the exception listed in Article 13.2, or fails to be delivered, or in the event the page size does not comply with the provisions of Article 7.1, the exhibit will not be judged and the participation fee shall not be refunded.
10.2 Each exhibit page shall be placed in a transparent protective cover and numbered in a consistent manner on both the front and back of each page.
10.3 The CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee shall certify the receipt of the literature exhibits to the National Commissioners, where assigned, or to the exhibitor.
10.4 The CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee shall distribute exhibit envelope labels and exhibit inventory forms electronically through the National Commissioners. Where a National Commissioner has not been appointed the labels and inventory forms will be provided directly to the exhibitor. Labels shall be printed and applied to the exhibitor’s envelope in a permanent manner.
10.5 Each and every exhibit shall be delivered in a suitably sized sturdy envelope or box provided by the exhibitor. Two copies of the exhibit inventory form shall be placed in the envelope or box.
10.6 For countries which have appointed a National Commissioner, exhibits can only be delivered by hand by the National Commissioner. Accepted exhibitors from countries which have not appointed a National Commissioner may deliver the exhibits personally by hand or by their approved agent by hand. Canadian exhibitors may personally deliver their exhibit(s) by hand or through the Canadian Commissioner.
10.7 Exhibitors in the print literature subclasses of the Philatelic Literature Class (Class 2) and those submitting their electronic or digital literature in hard format, (CD-ROM, Memory stick, Blue-Ray, etc.) must send a single copy of each title or volume. Print copies and digital media will not be returned. Periodicals shall exhibit a complete volume or year. Philatelic Literature exhibits must be received by the CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee no later than February 28, 2022, in order that preliminary judging may take place. The literature exhibits will not be returned. They will be donated to the Harry Sutherland Philatelic Library (HSPL) of the VGG after the exhibition closes. The shipping costs to Canada will be borne by the exhibitor.
10.8 The address to which Philatelic Literature exhibits must be sent is:
CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee
c/o Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation 10 Summerhill Ave, Toronto, ON Canada M4T 1A8 Telephone: 416-921-2073
Article 11: Mounting and Dismounting of Exhibits
11.1 The mounting and dismounting of the exhibits shall be undertaken by the National Commissioners, approved agents or exhibitors with the assistance of the CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee. The CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee shall provide the directions and conditions under which exhibits are to be mounted and dismounted.
11.2 The exhibitor or National Commissioner shall pay all costs of (a) delivering his/her exhibit to the Exhibition site as well as (b) collecting his/her exhibit at the close of the Exhibition from the Exhibition site and returning to his/her country.
11.3 Dispatching exhibits to the CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee and returning of exhibits by means of mail, courier or Air Cargo is not allowed, except for literature exhibits.
11.4 No complaints after the dismounting and return of the exhibit to the exhibitor or National Commissioner will be entertained by the CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee.
11.5 Requests for return, dismounting etc. of the exhibits during the Exhibition period shall not be accepted.
Article 12: Customs Regulations
12.1 The CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee shall make all reasonable efforts to establish simplified customs procedures, for entry of exhibits to Canada at Toronto’s Lester B. Pearson and Billy Bishop airports and designated USA land border crossings. The details of the applicable custom regulations for entry to and exit from Canada shall be sent to the National Commissioners in each country and to all international exhibitors approved to bring their own exhibits prior to the exhibition. National Commissioners and exhibitors carrying their own exhibits must familiarize themselves with the customs processes for re-entry to their country of origin and the customs processes for any countries which they plan to travel through en-route to Toronto or returning home from Toronto.
Article 13: Security Measures
13.1 The CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee shall take reasonable measures to ensure the security of the exhibits from arrival to return thereof, however, all exhibitors are advised that the CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee shall not be liable for any loss or damage to an Exhibit that might occur during the transportation to and from the exhibition, from receipt to return of the Exhibit and during the exhibition.
13.2 After the exhibit is mounted, the National Commissioner, approved agent or exhibitor is required to check that all pages and philatelic items are intact, and pages are in correct order. A confirmation form shall be signed by the National Commissioner, approved agent, or exhibitor to be returned to the CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee to confirm that the exhibit mounted is in order. This procedure is to be executed prior to the opening day of the exhibition, except where an exhibit is received after the opening day when such report shall be made at the soonest opportunity. Exhibits will only be accepted after opening day with documented proof of unavoidable travel interruption.
13.3 Every exhibitor is responsible for the insurance of his/her exhibit at his/her own expense (GREX Article 50.2).
Article 14: Expert Group (GREX Article 45)
14.1 An Expert Group will be appointed by the CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee. The Expert Group will be comprised of members of the Expert Committee of the Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation Toronto, Canada (VGG). The VGG Expert Committee is a member of AIEP (Association Internationale des Experts en Philatélie). In the event that a page is removed from the frame by the Expert Group and subsequently replaced, this will be done in the presence of the National Commissioner, or if no National Commissioner was assigned, in the presence of the CAPEX 22 Commissioner General.
Article 15: Rights of Organizing Committee
15.1 Every exhibitor applying to exhibit at CAPEX 22 is deemed to have accepted the stipulations of the IREX.
15.2 The CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee shall have the right to revise the IREX. Exhibitors shall be promptly notified of any of such revisions through their National Commissioners or directly is if no National Commissioner was assigned for their country.
15.3 The CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee shall have the right to adjudicate any problems arising that are not covered by FIP Regulations or by the IREX, and its decisions shall be final.
Article 16: Acceptance of these Regulations
16.1 By submission of an on-line Exhibit Application Form, the exhibitor shall be deemed to accept the stipulations of the IREX, GREX, GREVs and SREVs.
16.2 In the event of any discrepancies in the text arising from translation, the English text shall prevail.
16.3 Any legal cases arising shall be settled within the jurisdiction of the Courts of Canada.
Article 17: Addresses
17.1 CAPEX 22 Organizing Committee
c/o Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation 10 Summerhill Ave, Toronto, ON Canada M4T 1A8 Telephone : 416-921-2073 Fax : 416-921-1282 E-mail : info@capex22.org
17.2 The Commissioner General of CAPEX 22 Name : Dr. Joel Weiner
Address : c/o Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation 10 Summerhill Ave, Toronto, ON Canada M4T 1A8 Mobile : 1-780-909-4148 Email : commissionergeneral@capex22.org
17.3 FIP Liaison Officer Name : Reinaldo Macedo
Email : reinaldo_macedo@uol.com.br